Tag Archives: Maryland


A New York State Summer Jaunt

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 Today’s road video and map I have decided to take a short road trip to upstate New York to escape the Washington weather (and maybe the politics). The focus of this trip will be relaxation so there will be fewer well-known tourist spots and fewer miles driven each day but, I … Continue reading A New York State Summer Jaunt

Canadian Atlantic Tour Begins With A Rainy Drive to Gettysburg

Sunday Sep 9, 2018 Map and road video – Washington to Gettysburg. Today marks the start of my fourth fall road trip since retirement and the destination this time is the Canadian Atlantic coast. Atlantic Canada is an official region comprising of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland & Labrador but my … Continue reading Canadian Atlantic Tour Begins With A Rainy Drive to Gettysburg

Blog Updates and the Start of the Fall Trip.

Today marks the start of my Fall 2016 trip and the addition of a new feature to the blog. Since today’s journey was rather mundane I’ll start with the blog update. Although I am blogging about my trips so that anyone can follow along my prime motivation has always been to maintain good documentation of … Continue reading Blog Updates and the Start of the Fall Trip.