Summer road trip to Alaska

Normally I make my long road trips in the fall when crowds and hotel prices are smaller but, this year, my main destination is Alaska and the short tourist season there dictates a summer visit. A slightly longer introduction to the trip can be found at the start of yesterday’s road video which, along with the map, can be found here.

I began by driving to Pittsburgh, PA as a get-out-of-town drive to avoid 4th of July traffic. Since I have been to Pittsburgh a couple of times before I did not stop on the way but, once I was well away from Washington, the scenery was pleasant and the drive uneventful. The one marker on the map shows the approach to Pittsburgh.

I arrived in Pittsburgh soon after 4 PM and, when I checked the weather, found that we were about to be hit by a strong thunderstorm. Luckily there was time to walk to the Proper Brick Oven and Tap Room on 7th street and order a beer while  waiting out the storm. The bar choice was excellent as they have 31 craft beers on tap with no sign of Bud, Miller or the like on the menu or the shelves. I chose the most  local IPA from the five available and then went to walk around this impressive city and take a few photos.

This formerly wealthy steel town sits on a point where three rivers meet and has seen huge investment and revival since it was the epitome of the rust belt. The rivers, bridges and industrial architecture are its main physical features but it also has a strong cultural area and a diverse population.

The city skyline, soon after the storm, from across the Allegheny river.Pittsburgh Skyline

Looking in the opposite direction things are not so bright.Pittsburgh Dark Sky

The bridges are vital and are only a few blocks apart.Pittsburgh Bridges

Just like other eastern cities, you find older buildings nestled in between skyscrapers. This is the First Presbyterian Church which, in 1903, was the fourth church to be built on this site.Pittsburgh Church

6 thoughts on “Summer road trip to Alaska”

  1. I didn’t realize you were leaving so soon. See you when you get back. Can’t wait to see the pictures.

  2. Good to see you are off again.. see you later on your trip in Whitehorse! Happy travels

  3. Yikes, no Miller Lite at the Tap Room! That sucks. Will be following your journal with interest. Safe travels Steven.

  4. Looks good. Kathleen and I have been thinking about a long weekend road trip to Pittsburgh and it looks like we should keep it on the list!

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