“Back” Home

Tuesday, July 19 2022

Road video and map

I had three interesting places lined up to visit today but all required walking and, unfortunately, my back didn’t want me to move at all.

Despite being fully dosed up with Tylenol I was in significant pain while visiting the Corning glass museum on Sunday and, again, yesterday walking the Cascadilla Gorge Trail. I took Tylenol before going to bed last night but woke up in pain about 6 AM this morning and took more. I thought that, when I got up around 8 o’clock, the Tylenol would be at its strongest but I was barely able to shuffle to the hotel reception and car and I had to ask for help lifting my carry-on bag into the car. It was obvious that there was little point in continuing the trip and so I decided to come home while I was still able to drive.

I am now safely home and will be resting for a couple of days before deciding if medical intervention is needed. I used to have back pain when I was in charge of the information technology at my school due to all the sitting but have not had any such issues since I returned to teaching in 2008 or, previously, during retirement.

I am disappointed to have to truncate the trip in this way. It ended up being just 6 days and 950 miles.

Thanks to all who followed or commented.

16 thoughts on ““Back” Home”

  1. Sorry to hear your trip was cut short, Steve. Rest up, take care and hope you feel better soon.

  2. Well 6 days and 950 miles is better than some people who had 0 days and no miles?!?! I”m trying the glass have full method…it did look like you saw some cool places! And as always your write ups are really interesting to read! Get some tiger balm, tea and a nip of whiskey and see how that treats you!!

    Welcome home!!

    1. Thanks. Like your approach and agree with you. I did get a taste of the area and hope to get back sometime.

  3. Probably wise to cut short your trip, dear Steve. Good luck with the back; hope the pain goes away.


    1. Definitely could not continue. I thought about just resting for a day or two in a hotel but the pain is the same today as it was yesterday so I’m not sure that would have helped.

  4. I am glad you got home safely and am so very sorry you could not finish your adventure!!

  5. Sorry to hear your back is so bad- sensible to return home, though no doubt a long drive in itself. Hope rest does the trick .
    Thanks for sharing your adventures.

    1. Thanks. The drive was OK as I was basically just sitting. 355 miles and only stopped twice, for breakfast and fuel, to minimize movement.

  6. Oh no Steve, sorry to hear that the back is that bad now. Rest up and don’t wait too long for that check in with the medic if it stays bad.

    Still enjoying the UK. The last couple of days just stayed indoors with Mum and Robert. Back to normal weather today.

    1. Thanks. Glad you survived the heat wave, UK homes are not built for such weather. If the pain continues I will definitely seek help. It’s no fun.

  7. Sorry, Steve. I can imagine your frustration. Still, you covered some very interesting ground. I hope your pain recedes with rest and without medical intervention.

  8. Get well! Not sure whether you were planning to visit the Shaker Museum in Chatham (our only NY stop of our 1994 holiday) or Ravena and the Hudson valley (my first ever family foreign holiday in 1967 – my dad was the minister for 8 weeks while the rest of us did summer school etc). Hopefully the distances will allow you to complete the tour. Be in great health well before UK 2023!

    1. Thanks. Still in pain when I move or walk but, when resting, I’m comfortable. I was planning to stay well west of the Hudson valley, which I visited on my Canadian trip in 2018. I’m thinking I might resume this trip in October.

      Hope you are doing well and I definitely hope my back is good for visiting the UK next year.

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