Canadian Atlantic Tour Begins With A Rainy Drive to Gettysburg

Sunday Sep 9, 2018

Map and road video – Washington to Gettysburg.

Today marks the start of my fourth fall road trip since retirement and the destination this time is the Canadian Atlantic coast. Atlantic Canada is an official region comprising of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland & Labrador but my trip will also include significant time in Quebec so I am calling it the Canadian Atlantic Tour.

Today was a short, rainy getaway drive from Washington to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I decided to avoid the shortest route, which is mainly on interstate highways I have driven many times before, and take a slower route west to Leesburg, VA before heading north. Although parts may have been scenic in clear weather the rain and low clouds ensured that there was little to see today and I made no stops. Just near Fredericksburg, MD the cable providing power to the camera disconnected so there is also a short section missing from the road video. The highlight of the day was dinner at the Appalachian Brewing Company brew pub that was just a two minute walk from my hotel.

10 thoughts on “Canadian Atlantic Tour Begins With A Rainy Drive to Gettysburg”

  1. Safe travels Steve. If you are going to be hanging around the Canadian Atlantic region, Florence may be throwing spitballs your way. Oh dear, Sports Day may be cancelled this Friday! Stay dry. Looking forward to following along.

    1. Thanks. Staying dry might be a challenge over the next few days but it looks as if Florence will affect you more than me. We’ll have to wait and see.

      Cheers, Steve.

  2. “Fourth fall since retirement”?! Did you come to the U.K. this summer? Have a great trip and I look forward to reading about it. Simon

    1. Thanks. I came to the UK back in June but an unexpected family issue limited my time to see friends. There’s always next year to catch up.

  3. My third September holiday since retiring (this time to Spain) started on Saturday 8th and has featured some rain. Sorry to miss you in June. Still as you say….

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