A New York State Summer Jaunt

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Today’s road video and map

I have decided to take a short road trip to upstate New York to escape the Washington weather (and maybe the politics). The focus of this trip will be relaxation so there will be fewer well-known tourist spots and fewer miles driven each day but, I hope, there will still be some interesting tidbits for you to enjoy.

Today’s journey was a good start. I decided to tell my GPS to plan a route to York, Pennsylvania avoiding highways and followed the route it came up with exactly. This took me through familiar residential areas in northwest Washington to the Maryland suburbs, which was not particularly interesting for me, but is the first time I have published these areas in a dash-cam video. Once north of the suburbs the rest of the route in Maryland and Pennsylvania was an absolute joy. It was mostly bucolic two lane roads over green hills and dales with some curves and small communities along the way and not much traffic.

My only stop was for a walk along part of the York County Heritage Rail Trail a few miles south of York. There is a growing trend to convert disused railway lines into trails in the US but this one is unusual in that it was a double track and, while one line was converted to a well maintained trail, the other is still used for tourist steam excursions. The route is one of the oldest in the country and was used to supply Union troops in the civil war. It is also the route that Lincoln used to get to Gettysburg to deliver his famous address.

York Heritage Rail TrailThe rail trail is not particularly stimulating but it is quiet, well maintained, mainly shady and historic. It is mostly used by bikers and electric scooter riders – I only saw two other walkers.

Bucolic River SceneThe trail roughly follows the path of Codorus Creek which can be seen at various spots along the trial.

Howard TunnelMy goal was Howard Tunnel, about 2.5 miles north of my starting point, which is the oldest continuously used railway tunnel in the country. In order to punch the railway through this hill the 100 yard tunnel was dug out, by hand, in 1838.

7 thoughts on “A New York State Summer Jaunt”

  1. Great idea, dear Steve. Have fun, we will travel vicariously with you. Love, Kusum

  2. On the road again – looking forward to “our” travel again. Thanks for sharing .

    1. I think this is the first time I’ve visited the rural part of NY State since our trip to the Catskills back in the ’80s.

      1. My goodness – yes the 80s! I so enjoyed my year in DC and the highlights all seem to coincide with trips , food and drink with a certain Steve Hoare!

  3. Hi Steve. As always, I’m envious…and inspired. I drove a similar route some years ago en route to Canada, the same time of year. May all go well!

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