Day 1 – Gentle Drive to Atlantic City

Getting the last few things together when leaving for a long trip always takes me longer than I anticipate so I left a little late. This was not a problem as I had no sightseeing planned and avoided highways as much as possible to enjoy a gentle ride along quiet roads to Atlantic City, NJ. The weather was wonderful with temperatures in the mid 70s, low humidity and not a cloud in sight.

I intend to video all significant sections of driving and upload time-compressed footage to be viewed, alongside an interactive map, as a way of documenting the trip.   The Chesapeake Bay Bridge is the official start (and end, hopefully) of my trip so today’s video starts as I drive onto the bridge and ends just outside of the Trump casino. Given the current political situation I thought this was appropriate even though The Donald no longer has any connection with it. Yesterday the Miss America competition was held in Atlantic City but this evening, while the video was rendering, I wandered along the boardwalk and into Harrah’s Casino but saw only tourists and gamblers.

Today’s journey is documented here.

6 thoughts on “Day 1 – Gentle Drive to Atlantic City”

  1. Cool Steve! That was my 10 minutes of zen this morning, riding with you to Atlantic City. Looking forward to more.

    I was trying to see if I could spot when you took rest breaks. Do you stop the camera before you make a turn off or did you just not take a break?

  2. You did get gorgeous weather and it looks like a wonderful drive.

    Uday and I are off to NYC next week mainly because he has always wanted to drive on the Verrazano Narrows bridge because of its oddities!

    Love and best wishes,

  3. So glad that you will be chronicling your big adventure, and that we can experience it vicariously. Very odd here at school not to have you with us. Safe travels as you move to the truly foreign regions of America (actually, Trump-land is pretty foreign).

  4. Hello Steve,
    It’s late evening over here in the UK and thought before I settle in for the night I would have a look and see how your first day went.
    I have been eagerly awaiting your first post and I must say, I enjoyed it enormously!
    I shall be waiting with anticipation for your next post and finish by sending you all my love and best wishes

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