Heading Home with Mountain Man

Tuesday April 12, 2022


I am currently in Starbucks at the northern end of The Natchez Trace Parkway waiting for Tom who has just completed his 440 mile cycle ride along the parkway.

Today I drove 180 miles to Nashville, via The Land Between The Lakes scenic byway. The highlight of the byway is the Elk and Bison Prairie but, when I arrived this is what I found.Pratie ClosedThe trials of traveling early in he season.

Cedar LakeI soon found a trail to walk but, after all the rain, it became waterlogged and I turned back.

Bison RangeHowever, I was rewarded a bit further down the road as I came across the Bison Range. Not sure where the elk are but there were plenty of bison.

Tom ArrivesTom has just arrived and is enjoying a snack and a coffee as I write.

This will be the final post for this trip as we will not be doing any sightseeing together. Neither Tom or I want to find my car broken in to in order to steal his $8,500 bike while we are doing something.

14 thoughts on “Heading Home with Mountain Man”

    1. I echo Cathy!!! Where is Tom and who is standing by this very expensive bike!!
      See you soon, Steve

  1. This has been incredible journey with you, dear Steve. Thank you. Now enjoy your time with Tom. Love to both of you, Kus

    1. Thanks for following along, commenting and hosting. Look forward to seeing you again soon,

  2. By the way, massive storm coming through the center of the country from Louisiana through Indiana etc. I think you’re on the outer edges but still in the second ring. Memphis is center. Tornados etc. check it out.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. Out here that’s been about the only thing on the news today. We’re definitely on the outer edges and not concerned.

  3. Glad meet was successful – excellent planning and time management! Best to Tom and thank you for sharing another of your always interesting journeys— always good to wake up to and read in bed, before taking on rather more mundane tasks.

    1. Thanks for following along. Tom survived well despite some obstacles. Glad to provide some morning reading. Hopefully see you soon.

  4. I assume that you haven’t moved to Tennessee and that you still have about 700 miles to drive to get home(?).

    1. You are correct. However, we didn’t do any sightseeing or activities because Tom’s bike is too valuable to leave in the car. I didn’t want to repeat the experience of our road trip in France.

      Thanks for following along. Hope to see you sometime soon.

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