Driving towards a Rendezvous

Monday April 11, 2022


Monday was a pure driving day from Springfield, Missouri to Paducah, Kentucky, a distance of 296 miles (476 km) with exactly 1 mile (1.6 km) in Illinois. I originally planned to stop for a walk in Big Spring National Park but Sunday night had seen continuous thunderstorms and it was raining for much of the drive so yet another planned walk was abandoned due to weather.

Drive to PaducahDespite the rain, which was mostly light, the drive was very pleasant. I was traversing the northern Ozark Mountains for the first 200 miles or so which provided some nice views, the road was two lanes in each direction with a speed limit of 65 mph and traffic was light.

Crossing Ohio RiverThe most interesting part of the journey was crossing the Mississippi and Ohio rivers close to their confluence. Crossing the Mississippi took me from Missouri into Illinois and then, less than a mile later, I crossed the Ohio from Illinois into Kentucky (shown above).

I am now in position to rendezvous with Tom south of Nashville tomorrow.

7 thoughts on “Driving towards a Rendezvous”

  1. Hope all goes well for the rendezvous!! Sounds like you made the best of a bad day. The Mississippi is pretty cool at that point.

    Don’t go too crazy in Nashville. If you go around the bars on the strip early you get to listen to a lot of great music. Later on it gets packed although maybe not on a Tuesday night! Go visit the boot guy and he’ll tell you all about the famous musicians!! Have fun

    1. Not really a bad day, I enjoyed the drive.

      Thanks for the tip. I’ve been to Nashville several times and enjoyed the live music. Not sure if Tom wants to listen to country music. We’ll decide tomorrow.

  2. Enjoy your meet up with Tom.. he seems to be on target to meet you on time. I am sure he will appreciate a shower and comfy bed after his camping .

    1. Yes, its been pretty wet some of the days while Tom was cycling. I don’t think we will do much except drive home. Neither he or I want to have his $6,000 bike stolen from my car while we sight see.

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