Lake Tahoe

March 31, 2022


After dropping my friends at the airport I used the San Mateo Bridge to cross San Francisco Bay and headed towards Lake Tahoe, a distance of 232 miles (373 km). The early section of the drive was very pleasant and Route 50 as I neared Tahoe was spectacular but all overlooks with views were coned off and I was not able to get any photos. I wish I was able to show you dash cam video.

My intention was to do some sightseeing around the lake before heading to my hotel but I was very tired and road works had slowed me down so I just checked in and had a nap before dinner.

April 1, 2022


I booked two nights in South Lake Tahoe (southern end of map) because I wanted enough time today to plan my trip back east. After having the continental breakfast provided by the hotel  and a brief video chat with my brother I mapped out where I will stop each night before meeting my friend, Tom, in Nashville on April 12 and then headed out for a real breakfast before sightseeing.

I picked three spots to visit around the lake that bloggers seem to agree are special, Emerald Cove at the western end of the map route, Chimney Beach at the eastern end and Secret Cove just a mile from Chimney Beach. I decided to ignore the northern section of the lake since the sun is in the south at midday.

Lake Tahoe Beach MountainThe surface of Lake Tahoe is at an elevation of 6,225 feet (1,897 m) and it is surrounded by mountains. It was 26ºF (-3º C) when I woke up this morning but clear and bright. This is a view of the beach just to the west of South Lake Tahoe.

Lake Tahoe Emarald Cove 1This is Emerald Cove as seen from a vista point.

One annoying thing about today was that all the vista point and trailhead parking areas in both California and Nevada were closed so cars had to park along the road just feet from moving traffic. It was very dangerous and, when I got to Secret Cove, there was simply no place to park that was safe so I settled for the walk down the cliff to Chimney Beach. By this time it was 56ºF (13ºC) but, being sheltered from the wind, felt like 75ºF  (24ºC).

Lake Tahoe Chimney BeachChimney Beach has a great view of most of the lake and, since it was difficult to park, there were few visitors today.

Lake Tahoe Panorama SmallLake panorama from near Chimney Beach. Click for larger version.

Lake Tahoe Clear WaterLake Tahoe is only fed by melt water from the surrounding mountains and is crystal clear.

After sightseeing for three hours I returned to my hotel to start detailed planning for the next few days.

10 thoughts on “Lake Tahoe”

    1. Thanks. I haven’t figured out all the stops en route but I’m sure I will find several interesting places.

  1. Lovely spot. Did you see evidence of last summer’s fires? Was they on the opposite side?

    1. The fires were southwest of South Lake Tahoe. I saw some evidence of the fires when driving on Route 50 from San Francisco and there were many signs thanking firefighters along the way.

  2. I just love that shimmering, sparkling Tahoe lake. We try to get there every summer and have enjoyed the Incline Beach, Chimney Beach, Sand Harbor Beach etc. And yes, last year the forest fires got pretty close. So sad.

    Safe travels, dear Steve, it was fun having you visit us in SF.


  3. Wow Steve what great photos! One day I shall visit too. Getting a glimpse of Lake Tahoe through your eyes is really special.Yes I was tired after returning to DC and slept for hours and hours.

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