America’s Loneliest Road

Saturday April 2, 2022


US Route 50 runs almost across the whole USA from Sacramento, California to Ocean City, Maryland and passes just a couple of miles from my home. Since I had used this to get from Sacramento to Lake Tahoe I decided to base my route east on Route 50 – at least until I have crossed the Rockies. I will be meeting Tom in Nashville, which is not on Route 50, so I need to divert then.

Today was the first leg of that route as I crossed much of Nevada on “America’s Loneliest Road”. This phrase was used to describe the Nevada section of Route 50 in a 1986 Time Magazine article where a AAA spokesperson is quoted as saying the road was not recommended and drivers should take a survival kit. It is true that there is little traffic, few towns and no theme parks but the 345 mile (555 km), 5 ½ hour drive was wonderful.

Loneliest Road 2The drive was mainly two lane highway (one in each direction) with scrubby desert at the roadside and undulating scenery. There were long straight 70 mph (113 km/h) sections, such as above, between mountain ridges. but the view was constantly changing. The most distant visible road in the picture above is 12 miles (19 km) away.

Loneliest Road 1Here the nearest ridge is 8 miles (13 km) away and the next, snow capped, ridge is about 32 miles (52 km).

Loneliest Road 4The road over each ridge was usually along glorious winding curves through scenic passes at over 7,000 feet (2,133 m).

Loneliest Road 3The view was often scenic and traffic was never an issue.

My one disappointment came at a planned tourist stop in Eureka, NV. This old mining town has preserved its history and I wanted to visit the Eureka Sentinel Museum which is housed in the building where the local paper was printed  from 1879 to 1960 which still contains the typesetting machines, printing presses and offices as they were when it ceased publication. Copies of the paper containing important local stories are also preserved here. Unfortunately, as the conflicting signs below show, it was closed.

Eureka Museum SignsI had timed my arrival for 1:30 PM so I wandered about 100 yards to the Eureka Opera House to find out what was going on.

Eureka Opera OutsideThe opera house dates from 1880 and was restored to its original design in 1993 having been converted to a cinema when movies became popular but closed since 1953. I was greeted at the door, invited in, told I could wander around and take photos and also told that the museum was closed because the curator’s wife was having a baby.

Eureka Opera House InsideThe opera venue is still used regularly for cultural events, with the next being a classical pianist on April 8, and the backstage area walls are signed by the performers. The oldest signature I could find, however, was only from 1993 when the restoration was done. The building is also used for community and social events.

Ely Mining SpoilsNevada is known as the Silver State and the remains of the mining boom were on full display as I neared Ely, NV. My resting place for tonight.

Despite being unable to see the museum the day was fun and I recommend the route to anyone who enjoys driving.

9 thoughts on “America’s Loneliest Road”

    1. I think having a baby is a good reason for not working and, as I said, the drive was enjoyable.

  1. So much fun reading about your travels! I feel I get to visit so many sites and ride on so many roads

  2. Now that you have that lonely stretch behind you, I can ask, “What would you do if your car breaks down?’ Did you have a phone signal?

    1. I appreciate your discretion in waiting but, unfortunately, it was not long enough and I had car trouble today. Cell service was spotty but I had it when I needed it.

  3. I’m missing the dashboard cam too. I would like to have counted how many other cars you actually saw on this stretch of road. The views are amazing though.

    1. I am hoping to work on a way to get photos from the dash-cam mount but don’t know if it will work yet. I know there is more scenic driving across Colorado and much of it is on Interstate 70 (which Route 50 becomes for a while) so no pullouts.

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