Canada Greets Me With Great Weather

I was blessed with great weather as I drove the 385 miles from Tok back to Whitehorse but I’m wondering if Alaska has spoiled me in terms of recognizing good landscapes. I knew that the most scenic section of the drive was along Kluane Lake and, when I first arrived there, I checked out a couple of scenic viewpoints and rejected them as not worthy of a photo. As I drove further along the lake I expected to see the magnificent scenery I remembered from my my first pass but it never materialized and I ended up not taking any photos all day.

Despite this failure the drive was, in fact, very pleasant for much of the way, apart from rough roads and several significant delays at road works and the border.  One nice moment was when I spotted a young black bear at the side of the road ahead of me. I slowed down and turned on my hazard lights but, before I stopped, the bear crossed the road and disappeared into the forest. I checked the video but the bear is not much more than a black dot in shadows and was not worth highlighting  To view the map and video please click here.