Day 49 – Dashing across the plains

Today was a quick dash from Denver to Topeka, Kansas; a distance of 535 miles.  Nothing remarkable to report although I had not realized that the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library was on my route (in Abilene, Kansas) or I might have planned a stop. I also drove over the first 8 miles of Interstate Highway to have been paved, which was in 1956. This should be the last day of all-driving on the way back home.

The video packs an uneventful 6 hour and 57 minutes of driving into 6 minutes and 57 seconds of high speed action and, together with the map, is here.

2 thoughts on “Day 49 – Dashing across the plains”

  1. To your list of interesting things to see, I add the editorial comment of the bird at 5 minutes 30 seconds.

    1. Very funny. I actually saw a huge bird that I cannot identify today (day 53) but it’s appearance on the video was so fleeting that I did not flag it. For your information it is at 3:09 on the concrete barrier on the left but it only appears in two frames.


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