Day 48 – The Continental Divide

It’s downhill all the way home after crossing the continental divide today. I had hoped to get to Denver via Rocky Mountain National Park or using the Top of the Rockies Scenic Byway but I am too late in the year and both of those scenic passes over the divide are closed due to snow. This left interstate 70 as the only choice but it is a very scenic route and, for an interstate highway, a joy to drive.

Once on the eastern side of the mountains I decided to try the Peak to Peak Scenic Highway which runs north from I-70 to Estes Park. I had never driven this road before as my previous visits to the area were in summer and I did the east-west routes. Despite it’s proximity to the National Park it was disappointing. The southern end, as far north as Central City, was interesting and Central City itself was a picturesque, small western town but most of the drive was lined with trees on both sides of the road with the occasional view of the mountain peaks. You can tell there was not too much of interest when one of the highlights, for me, was this sign that doesn’t really seem necessary.Flood Sign
After a short break in Estes Park I drove south east along genuinely scenic highway 36 before turning east and south to get to my hotel in Denver.

I took very few photos but  the video is, again, worth viewing if you have not visited this area. The map and video are here.

Pleasant stream view that shows how cold it has been as the edge of the stream is frozen and snow covered.Rockies Stream