Fun in San Francisco – Part 1

March 26, 2022

I am now enjoying time with my friends in San Francisco.

San Fran Group on Bridge

On Saturday I drove north from San Jose to meet Christian and Rita (on the left above) as they arrived at San Francisco airport  and we drove to the home of Kusum and Uday (right) who are our gracious hosts for Spring Break. We have all known each other for decades and, since the early days of the pandemic, had regularly scheduled Zoom meetings every Wednesday along with other friends.

Rita, Christian and I had asked Kusum and Uday to show us “their” San Francisco as I always find having local perspective and knowledge adds so much to a visit and we have all visited San Francisco several times and already seen many of the traditional sights. When the locals are great friends it only enhances the experience as we catch up, tell stories, meet some of their friends in the area and eat and drink together. I cannot possibly describe all the places we have visited in detail so I am going to make this a mainly picture post of some of the highlights with brief details.

Vietnamese pizzaOur first outing was a walk to get to know Kusum and Uday’s Laurel Heights neighborhood and to have lunch at an outstanding North Vietnamese restaurant, Lily, with delicious, creative dishes unlike any other Vietnamese I’ve been to, such as the “pizza” shown above.

coffeeWe continued walking for a while, stopping for a coffee break, before checking in at our AirBnB where Kusum and Uday visited us for dinner later.

March 27, 2022

Golden Gate BridgeToday we started off by visiting the Golden Gate Bridge.  Stopping first to get pictures and then walking on the bridge which is something that Kusum and Uday had not previously done.

View from GGFrom the bridge you get spectacular views of the San Francisco skyline. The weather was cloudy but dry.

Lyon StepsThat was followed by various stops at several lesser known but beautiful spots in the city such as this at Lyon Street Steps.

In the evening Kusum and Uday prepared a wonderful dinner at their home which we enjoyed with two of their friends, Tushar and Homeyra, over several hours of eating, drinking and good conversation.

10 thoughts on “Fun in San Francisco – Part 1”

  1. Sounds like a marvellous get together especially after the last few years – but you all look well wrapped up and San Francisco weather-proofed.

    1. San Francisco is not the place to come expecting great weather so we were all prepared.

    1. It’s very relaxing – but the drive back starts at the end of the week and I expect I will enjoy that as well.

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