California Route 1

March 25, 2022


Today’s weather appeared to be the same as yesterday when I left Morro Bay to drive north on California’s Route 1 coast road as there was thick mist shrouding everything. This proved to be the case for the first 100 miles or so as the spectacular views faded into grayness.

Fading in mistMost of the many vistas points offered views like this.

Elephant SealsNot that the elephant seals cared at all.

As I approached Big Sur the sun was breaking through and the beauty of the region became apparent.

Panorama atThe combination of ocean and mountains is what makes this road so special. Click for bigger image.

By the time I stopped for a walk at Point Lobos State Nature Preserve the mist was completely gone. There is a 6.7 mile coastal trail but I only did about 3 miles on the South and North Shore trails before cutting back to my car.

Point Lobos South ShoreI started on the South Shore trail as this was the only location I could find parking. There were several coves like this.

North Shore BirdsThe North Shore trail offered more expansive coastal views as well as the protected habitat that attracts nature.

North Shore Big BirdNot sure what species this bird is but a pair of them were flying in and out, probably building a nest.

I was lucky with the sun because just twenty minutes further north along route 1 there was mist again. Like the seals, I didn’t care as I had already had a great drive and walk.

8 thoughts on “California Route 1”

  1. Beautiful. Unpredictable weather. Not unlike Cornwall, except the advantage of a highway that hugs the road, and without the villages tucked in the coves. You haven’t deterred my desire to follow your route!

    1. It’s a great drive. Not sure which direction I prefer. N-S puts you on the ocean side but the views while driving seem better S-N.

  2. I’m sad about your losing the ability to take videos too. I sat down this afternoon to get caught up only to find there were none to watch! I’m glad it’s going well otherwise though.

    1. I think I was beginning to run out of new routes to take to get to places I wanted to go and, maybe, this is a sign. I guess I need to travel to some other countries.

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