Day 29 – Rainy Days and Mondays

Many of you will be too young to remember this Carpenters’ song but today was a wet Monday with very gloomy news to start the week. I learned that my brother is in intensive care and that the doctors were concerned that he may not make it through the night to Monday. Fortunately, he got through that crisis period and, according to my niece, seemed a little better during the day. However, he is certainly not out of danger.

Since I was nowhere near an international airport I decided to continue with the plans I had made for today and re-assess the situation Tuesday morning. As you can imagine, I was not really focused on the scenery around me, wonderful though it was, and took few photos.

The map/video tells the story of today’s trip and you will find that here.

Update on Tuesday morning, Oct 13:
Of all the days for it to happen, my hotel Internet connection was not working last night so this post is late. I am currently sitting in a Starbucks investigating the possibilities for interrupting the trip to fly home so please don’t be surprised if there are no updates for a while.

View of Lake ChelanChelan LakeView from Washington Pass in the Northern Cascades National ParkCascades1

4 thoughts on “Day 29 – Rainy Days and Mondays”

    1. I got to see Andy today and he is on a regular ward so that seems hopeful but the root cause of the problem is still a mystery to the doctors. Cheers, Steve/

  1. So sorry to hear about your brother’s sudden illness. I wish him a speedy recovery…
    Thank yo for sharing your experiences with us. I have been enjoying following your travels very much.
    Best regards,

    1. Hi Annie, I got to see my brother today and he is out of the ICU and we have our fingers crossed. Thanks for your support, Steve.

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