Grand Canyon – Day Two

Sunday April 7, 2019

Road video and map – Tusayan to Flagstaff, AZ

There’s really not too much to add to the title of today’s post. Most of the day was spent on the eastern section of the Grand Canyon’s south rim. I stopped at several locations to enjoy the view and take photographs, spent a couple of hours walking the rim trail and had a meditative half hour at Desert View; eating ice cream while sitting on the rim wall with my feet dangling over the edge. I then headed to Flagstaff for the night.

Conditions this morning were perfect. Temperatures in the 60s felt much warmer in the strong sunlight and calm air. This shot was taken on the rim trail.East Rim (11)

This is not a great view but it is an unusual sight. Two empty parking spots on the canyon rim at about 10:30 AM. While walking the rim trail I only passed others every quarter of a mile or so. It’s a great time of year to visit.East Rim (24)

The contrast and variety of rock formations in the canyon entice you to look from every viewpoint..East Rim (18)
The Colorado river is 3.8 miles away from the viewpoint this was taken from. Although it looks like a small stream the rapids you can see fall a vertical distance of 30 feet and are considered some of the toughest in the canyon..East Rim (62)

The eastern end of the canyon is marked by the Desert View Watchtower.East Rim (73)
The panorama I overlooked while relaxing at Desert View. Click the image for a larger version.Desert View Panorama Small

4 thoughts on “Grand Canyon – Day Two”

  1. Your Grand Canyon pictures are amazing Steve. I’m glad you are having a good trip!

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