Day 9 – Follow that border

This morning I went into Woodstock to get some Canadian currency but there are no touristy things to do there so, after a delicious breakfast at the local truck stop, I hit the Trans-Canada Highway for the drive to Quebec. The highway follows the border very closely as it goes north to the St. Lawrence seaway and then gradually drifts away from it as gets close to Quebec. However, it is much easier to stay close to the border in Canada than in the USA at this point.

The weather continues to be wonderful and the only time I have had to use the wipers was to clear this morning’s condensation. The drive was easy and the surroundings were attractive, mainly open hills, forest and the occasional body of water, but nothing spectacular.

There are no photos today or flags on the route map but the map and video are here if you want to check them out.

2 thoughts on “Day 9 – Follow that border”

  1. I got left behind but have been catching up. Skipped the Washington Post today at lunch so I could cross with you into Canada instead.

    I noticed something with the map. A couple of journeys ago it was to the right of the video and it followed the route easily. This (and the previous) day it was below the video and you have to move around in the window to get to your marking on the map. When it’s been to the right it’s worked much better.

    1. The position of the map depends on the aspect ratio of your screen. If you have a landscape screen it’s usually on the right but, on a phone or tablet or window that is narrower, it will be below. I have not changed anything so, if you are still using the same setup, nothing should have changed. You can check the checkbox at the top to keep the marker centered on the map.

      Thanks for continuing to follow along, Steve.

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