Beautiful Savannah

Today’s focus was purely on historic Savannah. For some reason I thought I had visited the city soon after I came to the US but I did not recollect anything I saw today so I guess I was mistaken. What a tragedy to have waited so long.

The two-hour drive from Jacksonville was on interstate highways as the coastline is so indented with rivers and inlets that no coast road exists. I counted at least nine wide river crossings that I made while on I95 alone.

Once in Savannah I simply parked the car and walked the historic district for over four hours. Savannah was laid out based on wards that were each centered on a square. The designer was a Brit and, if you know London’s squares, you will know the idea. There are 24 squares in Savannah and they are only a few blocks apart so I was able to see 14 of them. This was in addition to strolling along the bank of the Savannah River, visiting two actual parks, a cemetery and the cathedral – all of which are connected by streets where every other building seems to have historical significance. The charm is that you can enjoy these sights with no hassle. The area was not crowded and everyone seemed to move around the city at a relaxed pace.  The trees are spectacular (even if they do make photographing buildings a challenge). After several hours on my feet I was hot and tired but spiritually refreshed. I then drove about 10 miles out of town to my hotel ready for tomorrow’s travel.

The map/video is here.

The trees are the most notable feature and line every street and path (as can also be seen in the video)05 12 CSavannah Forsyth ParkThe squares are all different and have their own stories to tell. This is Lafayette Square.05 12 CSavannah Lafayette SquareThe Cathedral of John the Baptist – inside05 12 CSavannah Cathedral Interiorand out.05 12 CSavannah Cathedral ExteriorThe fountains in Forsyth Park05 12 CSavannah Forsyth Fountainand the unusual tombstone design that is actually very common in Colonial Park Cemetery.05 12 CSavannah Colonial Park Cemetery

4 thoughts on “Beautiful Savannah”

  1. I LOVE Savannah! Did you see the Nathanael Greene monument on one of the squares? He’s a relative and George Washington’s best friend. I also had a supernatural experience in a B&B off one of the squares. Your recent entry has made me want to go back! Give me a call when you get back. That’s an order!

    1. Don’t recall Nathanael Greene but I covered a lot of ground and may have missed him. I’ll call you soon.

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