Day Trip to Key West

Key West is obviously an essential place to visit when following the perimeter of the US but there is only one way there so, unlike any other place I’ve visited earlier on these trips, it is a long drive both ways along one road, the “overseas highway”. Since I have visited Key West twice before I decided that a day trip was appropriate.

The overseas highway is, of course, mainly over land and for long stretches is indistinguishable from any other highway but the numerous water crossings provide pleasant interludes as the 120 miles pass by. The sea and sky were both perfectly blue/green as the temperature climbed to the low 80s and humidity was low. The one thing I missed, compared with earlier crossings, were the pelicans that often hang out on the old roads or the pedestrian bridges that run parallel to the highway in many places.

When I arrived at Key West I parked the car and simply wandered around enjoying the sights. The narrow streets with many guest houses, bars, restaurants and shops are similar to those found in other tourist hot-spots but they are spread out over a large area and the attitude of merchants and tourists is very relaxed and pleasant. There were a significant number of Brits around, several of whom I met when stopping for some refreshment at the Waterfront Brewery. I then set off to see some of the highlights around town before retracing my path back to Florida City. I will admit that the drive back became a little dull but, overall, it was a very enjoyable way to spend the day before turning north up the east coast..

The map is a little tricky today since, when you click on the route, you may end up going towards or away from Key West. It is here.

As with many beautiful coastal areas there is plenty of money in Key West. Here is a shot of a tiny part of the harbor.05 09 Key West HarborThe Hemingway House is probably the most visited attraction and the line was long today. Having already toured the home I just took a picture.05 09 Key West HemmingwayAt one point I was looking for a public restroom but decided this one was a little too public.05 09 Key West ToiletAnd, of course, the main reason I was here.05 09 Key West Southern Point