A Strange Day

I am so glad that I pressed on to Mobile yesterday as Tuesday turned out to be a lost day in terms of enjoying the trip. I mentioned in yesterday’s post (although it was only published a few hours ago) that I had a problem with my laptop. Every day since I left home there have been thunderstorms and the lights have flickered or failed several times. Yesterday one of those flickers was accompanied by a “blue screen of death”, a corrupted hard drive and a non-functional computer. Luckily I have with me with me a backup that I made a couple of days before the trip but the time wasted re-installing Windows and restoring everything meant that I had no Internet access or time to plan.

Once I had Internet access this morning I still needed to re-do the video editing that I had lost yesterday so I decided to drive the short distance to Pensacola, Florida and check in to my hotel to finish everything rather than try to see the sights. Everything seems to be back to normal and, if I missed anything significant in Mobile, I can (hopefully) do it when completing the perimeter in the fall so I am looking forward to tomorrow.

No photos today and the journey was short but the map/video is here.

3 thoughts on “A Strange Day”

  1. Gosh, hope these thunderstorms are over and done with. Reading about the museums was wonderful. Safe travels, dear Steve.

    1. I used an app on my phone to book a hotel in Pensacola so I could escape. I don’t think I missed a lot in Mobile but I will need to return to complete the perimeter in the fall. Thanks for following along again.

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