Grand Teton National Park

Friday, Sep 15 2023

Road video and map

I have visited Grand Teton NP twice before but the weather was poor on both occasions. Today I was blessed with sunshine, blue skies and a few wispy clouds. I started with a hearty breakfast at a local diner in Victor, ID to see me through the day and then headed straight for the south entrance in Jackson, WY.

Grand Teton is a based around a ridge of striking mountains in the northern Rockies and the scenery is typically the same mountains from different viewpoints and with varying foregrounds. I planned a route that, I hoped, would give me good views and a bit of exercise and was not disappointed. You can see the locations I refer to below by looking at the map on the road video link.

My first close view was at Glacier Overlook.
There are still some glaciers on the mountains but they are shrinking rapidly due to climate change.
A feature of Grand Teton is that there are many bodies of water that, on a calm day, provide almost perfect reflections of the mountains. This was not such a day but I think the reflections still add to the scene. This was taken at Schwabacher Landing.
View from the Snake River Overlook.
And another water shot as seen from the Oxbow Bend Turnout.

I made several other stops and, while the scenes are great to drink in while you are there, they are also similar to the above. More are embedded in the road video. My penultimate stop was for a pleasant walk on a couple of almost-islands in Jackson Lake. This was mostly through light forest but came to the shore several times along the way.

A panorama looking across Jackson Lake. Taken while walking the Colter Bay Lakeshore Trail. There were several signs along the trail warning of a bear with cubs (the most aggressive kind) having been sighted recently and suggesting hikers stay in groups and carry bear spray. Needless to say, I went alone with no bear spray and survived to post this. Click on the image for a bigger version.

Finally, I headed to Yellowstone NP where I spent the night. I have “done” Yellowstone several times so I did not stop. I posted about my 2016 visit here.

There was no wifi at the lodge in Yellowstone so this is a day late. I am still a long way from good infrastructure and today’s wifi is horribly slow. Maybe I will be able to publish today’s episode after dinner but I’m not sure.

5 thoughts on “Grand Teton National Park”

  1. We loved the Grand Teton National Park. And Jenny Lake was beautiful. Have fun, we are re-living this park through your travels.

  2. You inspired me to look up my photos from my 2014 trip to Jackson and the Grand Tetons. I have a few I labelled “Grand Teton”, more I labelled “Jenny Lake”, then I travelled via Yellowstone Artists’ Point to an overnight in Red Lodge, Montana! I think I was cramming too much in!

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