More Parkway Calm

Thursday April 6, 2023

Road video and map

Today was mainly a driving day but, when you’re driving the Blue Ridge Parkway, it is very enjoyable and stress free. I was reminded of this today when I was diverted due to a bridge replacement on the parkway. The diversion was clearly marked and was easy to follow, the scenery was just as attractive on the diversion as on the parkway but there was traffic, intersections, lights etc. and, back on the parkway, all I had to distract me from the tranquility was a turtle and deer crossing the road. Several deer scampered across a little way in front of the car and can be seen clearly in the road video. I hope the turtle made it as it did not appear to be moving when I passed it (not visible on the video).

The only disappointment came from none of the facilities being open. The small visitor centers, picnic areas, toilets and campsites are all locked or gated off but will open this weekend for Easter. The trailheads for a couple of walks I had considered are located in picnic areas so were not accessible and, on the fly, I decided to try a trail from the closed Rocky Knob visitor center where parking was available. This was mainly a forest trail but opened up in spots to give views.

Evidence of occupation before the land was acquired by the Park Service.
And a view along the trail.

Although the forecast had called for showers and thunderstorms I encountered only one brief shower soon after I had finished my walk.

This view is called the Devil’s Backbone. Taken after my walk, there are more clouds but the rain had ended.

I am now in Roanoke, Virginia and will see what weather tomorrow brings before deciding whether to return home tomorrow or Saturday.

6 thoughts on “More Parkway Calm”

  1. I wish you were here in SF. You would love the current exhibit of Ansel Adams photographs of Yosemite and the Golden Gate (even before the bridge was built) being held at the de Young museum. Love your travels.

    1. Sounds wonderful. I love Ansel Adams’ photos and so glad he was able to use them to encourage conservation and protection.

  2. Waiting for you to return. Feel like I have been to the nooks and crannies of USA with you vicariously, of course

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