Day 35 – Halfway Point

I thought that the Oregon-California border would represent halfway around the perimeter and it looks like that’s how it’s working out. I have completed 7,034 miles which matches my estimate of 14,000 miles for the whole trip and I am at Brookings, Oregon which is just 7 miles from California.

Today was a fairly long drive down the central and southern Oregon coast and, although that limited the number of stops I could make, it seemed the best idea since tomorrow and Thursday are predicted to be rainy. I chose a number of spots to stop based on places that were recommended as the most unique and interesting online. The Oregon Coast Scenic Byway itself was less interesting to drive than I had anticipated as the road had few sustained views of the ocean. However, when you realize how rugged the coast is, it is not surprising that the road cannot follow it too closely. The map and video of today’s drive are here.

The first stop was at Yaquina Head which is the location of Oregon’s second oldest continuously operating lighthouse. The views are pretty impressive and the seabirds seem to be attracted to the light. Often whales can be seen from this location but not today.Yaquina Head 1Yaquina Head 2

The rugged nature of the coast can be seen from Cape Perpetua which was my third stop. Looking north we seeCape Perpetuaand to the south isCape Perpetua view to southwhile directly below me is an ocean fountain that is pretty impressive even with just two-foot waves coming ashore.Thors WellFurther south large sand dunes form the coastline and are a playground for ATV riders but, at the viewpoint where I stopped, ATVs are not allowed and, in this peaceful setting, a colorful  Steller’s Jay landed just a few feet away.Stellers Jay at Oregon DunesBetween the capes are miles of wide beaches which are easily accessible but, even here, the rocky outcrops remind us how “new” this coastline is.Bandon BeachAt the halfway point I am pleased with how the trip is going and certainly enjoying my retirement so far. As I write this, game one of the baseball World Series has just finished after extra innings. On the east coast it ended at 1:19 AM and, in previous years, I would have had to go to bed much earlier so I could get up at 6 AM. On the west coast it was 10:19 PM and I was able to enjoy the game until the end. I feel lucky to be doing this.