Route 50 is proving to be very scenic

Monday April 4, 2022


When I decided to base the western half of my drive home on Route 50 I wasn’t sure what to expect but, so far, it has been very rewarding. Today was frustrating in several ways but the drive was very scenic despite being on interstate highway.

My original plan for this day was to deviate from Route 50 (which is Interstate 70 for this section) to visit Arches National Park and hike to Delicate Arch. This is only three miles but, on previous visits in the summer, the temperature has been around 100º F (38º C) and there is no shade. Spring seemed like the perfect time but the National Park Service measures to control visitation got me again. As of yesterday they introduced timed entry tickets which must be purchased in advance online but none were available for today and, due to the tire repair, I would not have known what time I wanted to enter. I guess they don’t want spontaneous travelers.

When I learned of the timed entry tickets I decided to visit Dead Horse Point State Park and hike along the canyon there. I have done this before and the views are spectacular.

However, I did neither of these due to several issues, mainly related to the tire. I knew the section of I70 I was driving today was designated as scenic but I wouldn’t be able to stop for photos. When I went to the tire installer at 8 AM I spent the waiting time figuring out how to control my Sony camera from my phone so I could use it as I drove but I needed tools to mount that camera on the dash. The tire installation was completed by 9:15, I returned to the hotel to load my bags in the trunk now that the wheel was out of there and then headed off to Walmart to buy what I needed. By the time everything was bought and installed it was already 10:30 as I headed to the highway.

There was a big notice in the tire shop that the lug nuts must be checked for tightness after 25 miles of driving so I stopped to do this and get gas but when I got back on the highway the tire pressure warning light came on so I got off again and called the tire place. They claimed it should reset itself after a while (complete BS) but that, if it didn’t, I should take it to their store in Grand Junction, my destination for the day, to sort out. I checked the actual tire pressures, which were fine, and decided to drive on and have it checked at the end of the day. This was the final straw that made me decide to just drive to Grand Junction and give up any ideas of hiking. Luckily, the camera control worked well and I captured a number of photos that show the varied scenic nature of the drive.

I70 Sony 1 I70 Sony 3 I70 Sony 2 I70 Sony 4

I got the tire pressure light fixed when I arrived in Grand Junction and hope that I am done with tire issues.

10 thoughts on “Route 50 is proving to be very scenic”

  1. How tiring! No, seriously, one can do without these kind of headaches on a trip. Hopefully all this is behind you and the rest of the trip is spectacular.


  2. The views are lovely! I have only seen them in the movies!! So let your imagination run riot Steve! You have the place. You are the character. Imagine any others you want there! Now what will the plot be!!!

    1. Wow, I had just viewed it as scenic until now. Stimulating ideas to run through my head tomorrow.

    1. I don’t know for sure. I know most of the alternative fuel corridors are interstates so I don’t think route 50 would be easy. There was even a section on I70 yesterday that had no services for 107 miles. Having said that I was impressed by the number of Tesla Superchargers available in San Fran and how their number and availability were displayed in Kusum and Uday’s Model 3. Maybe a Tesla can make it?

      1. Yeh, that’s what will keep me from going electric…for now. I want to feel that I can take the long trip, like you, without worrying about a charge.

        I hope there was a sign post stating, “No gas for 107 miles.”

        1. Another concern for me is lack of charge stations at my condo. I have asked the board if they have investigated but they seem to think that, once self-driving taxis are available, people probably won’t buy their own cars so it may not be worth the investment.

          There is a sign about the 107 mile gap in services, as well as for an 88 mile gap further east.

  3. You know how I always think about the worst case scenario. Interestingly, the tire is one of the things on my menu of doom. You seem to be handling it well. But to Vaija’s point, make sure you’re on an adventire movie and not a horror one!! LOL!! Lol???

    1. Yesterday was tense as I was not confident that the tires were good because of the warning light and I was driving at 80 mph. Now everything is working and nothing bad happened I’m back on track. Back to adventure mode!

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