Arriving at the Pacific Ocean

March 23, 2022

Map and road video

Not much to report today as I was mainly driving towards the Pacific Ocean on crowded freeways north of Los Angeles. When I reached Ventura I took the opportunity to celebrate the arrival at the coast with a walk at the San Buenaventura State Beach and along the pier before checking in to my motel.

Pacific First SightMy first sight of the Pacific Ocean this trip; Ventura beach and pier. The beach is not great – a narrow strip of dunes with vegetation and gritty sand.

Ventua Pier from shoreThe pier has a couple of restaurants at the shore but, otherwise, is for walking, relaxing and fishing.

Ventura from pier endVentura as viewed from the end of the pier. I hope to find more exciting walks in the next couple of days as I head up the coast to San Francisco.

4 thoughts on “Arriving at the Pacific Ocean”

  1. Some friends recently went to LA and SB. They loved the contemporary art museum and the tar sands beach. They stayed in Laurel Canyon.
    Glad you’re on track and tootling along!
    Not as nice as Rehoboth Beach!

    1. Saw signs for Laurel Canyon during yesterday’s drive. I agree that Ventura beach is poor compared with Rehobeth but it was 81 degrees, sunny and with a little breeze.

  2. Hope you dipped your toe or finger in the Pacific for symbolic sake. Coast to coast is no small feat for the solo traveler. Should be some memorable sights as you travel north. Be safe!

    1. Unfortunately, I did not do any dipping, I limited my celebration to viewing. Great scenery today and, I expect, tomorrow.

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