The Devils Marbles

Monday September 9, 2019

Road video and map – Alice Springs to Tennant Creek, NT

Today was the first of the three days it takes, realistically, to get back to the east coast by road from Alice Springs. For some reason there is no paved road to the coast directly from Alice Springs (pop 25,000) but from Tennant Creek (pop 3,000)  some 500 km/310 mi north of Alice and that was today’s drive.

There was not a lot to see along the way except for the Devils Marbles which is a scattering of large rock piles that look like they have been carefully arranged and balanced by some powerful being.

One of several rock piles that appear to have been hand placed.Devils Marbles 1
This was not a one of the big piles but the people give some idea of the size of the rocks here.Devils Marbles 12
I’m not sure I would want to camp here. That rock looks ready to roll.Devils Marbles 13
It’s just amazing how the area has eroded to create this spectacle.Devils Marbles 14

7 thoughts on “The Devils Marbles”

  1. You come across similar formations around Moab on the old jeep and mountain bike trails. Are there many large trucks or caravans kicking up large crowds of dust out there?

  2. Don’t envy you that long drive.

    Maybe there are a bunch of minions hidden away that come out every day and rearrange the stones to mess with tourists??

    I agree, I wouldn’t feel comfortable seeing right next to the stones!!

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