Back in Las Vegas

Sunday April 14, 2019

Road video and map – Carlsbad to Las Vegas, NM

No, not the Las Vegas everyone knows, but a small town about 60 miles from Santa Fe in New Mexico. The town is mainly known for its hot springs and spas but I spent a week here in the late 90s at a teacher training session. If you have not heard of it you can check out the map but today’s road video is only for those who like 220 miles of long, straight roads with flat scrubby desert on both sides.

The only significant city on the route is Roswell, NM and so I had to stop to visit the grandly named International UFO Museum and Research Center which presents information on the famous Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and other UFO sightings. The case for the UFO explanation is described and documented by witnesses while acknowledging the official US Army explanation that it was just a weather balloon. Although they encourage witnesses of any UFO or alien sightings to report them to the museum I doubt they have the resources to actually research much. The museum is small but it only cost $3 and was well worth the stop.

The UFO Museum is the main attraction in Roswell, NMRowell Exterior
Based on eyewitness descriptions they imagined the Roswell UFO and aliens to have appeared like this.Rowell Display
Characters and set from the TV series Roswell which aired on the WB network from October 1999 to May 2002. An updated version, called Roswell New Mexico started airing on the same network (now called the CW) in January, 2019.Rowell TV Set

2 thoughts on “Back in Las Vegas”

  1. “… today’s road video is only for those who like 220 miles of long, straight roads with flat scrubby desert on both sides.”

    I watched it. I’ve watched them all!

    1. I know you watch them all – “Crazy Canadian” proved that – and I thank you. You must have contributed at least 237 views (the number of videos) to my 26,000+ channel views 🙂

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