Scenic Driving in the Superstition Mountains

Wednesday April 10, 2019

Road video and map – Scottsdale to Globe, AZ

When I woke up this morning I was all set to drive southeast to New Mexico but, during breakfast at the hotel, I noticed it was very windy outside. Since I needed to drive the last part of my journey on interstate 10, and knowing that collisions involving dozens of vehicles have occurred in dust storms there, I checked the local weather. Sure enough, there was a dust storm warning with expected sustained winds of 40 mph and gusts up to 70 mph. I decided a day of driving in such conditions was unpleasant at best and, when I called the hotel to change my reservation, they said that the local authorities were expecting to close the interstate. I needed a new plan for the day.

I had considered driving some scenic routes near Phoenix when planning the trip but, not really knowing how interesting they were, decided not to follow through. I now had the time to check them out and they turned out to be wonderful. I drove three scenic sections, Apache Trail, scenic route 60 west of Globe, AZ and Salt River Canyon, all in the Superstition Mountains, then returned to Globe for the night.

The video is the only good way to see how enjoyable this drive was but I’ve added a few photos to offer an idea.

The saguaro cacti add personality to an already impressive landscape on the Apache Trail.Apache Trail Cacti
The essence of an enjoyable drive; spectacular scenery stretching for miles ahead on the Apache Trail.Apache Trail Road
The Salt River seems relatively tame when viewed up close.Salt River
However, it carved all of the scenery on the Apache Trail as well as the Salt River Canyon seen here.Salt River Canyon


4 thoughts on “Scenic Driving in the Superstition Mountains”

  1. Apache Trail looks to be no friend to a cyclist. However, I would not mind riding that off road trail running along side the river. Every time I look at your road videos, particularly ones like the ride through the Superstitious Mountains, I imagine being on a bicycle. Hard to gage traffic volume when you have speeds up to 250 mph. Just read that an Australian cycle tourist was killed this week riding highway 70 in NM.

    1. I saw a couple of cyclists on the trail but it was mainly cars and motorcycles. I keep all the original video so I’m happy to show you some real time footage when I’m home.

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