Wet journey to Halifax

Wednesday Sep 26, 2018

Map and road video – Lunenburg to Halifax, NS

As predicted, today was wet but the really heavy rain did not start until mid afternoon so I was able to make a couple of sightseeing stops on my way to Halifax from Lunenburg.

My first stop was at Mahone Bay which is well known for three churches along the waterfront. Being light colored they kind of disappear into the gray day.
Mohone Bay
Luckily, when I got to Peggy’s Cove, the rain was very light so I was able to wander over the rocks that surround its famous lighthouse.Peggys Cove 4

The wind was gusting to 40 mph and kicking up some good surf in the cove.Peggys Cove 2
The colorful village was a stark contrast to the dullness of the day.Peggys Cove 1 Peggys Cove 3
When I arrived in Halifax there was moderate rain but I was able to take a walk along the Harbourwalk,Halifax bordwalk

There was little to see there so I headed to North America’s oldest working brewery, Alexander Keith’s, intending to take the tour. However, the cost was $27 and, as everyone knows, you don’t need more than one brewery tour to learn how beer is made, you’re really here for the samples. I settled for a pint at their brew pub instead.Halifax Brewery
My final visit of the day was to the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21. This is in the building that processed the arrival of over a million immigrants to Canada and also dispatched about 500,000 Canadian troops to Europe in the Second World War. The exhibits had three main themes – refugees, Canadian immigration and the history of the site itself. Canada is now recognized as a tolerant country that accepts considerable numbers of newcomers but the exhibits did not shy away from telling the stories where Canada denied immigration or refugee status to particular groups and the ongoing issues over the original immigration by the colonial powers.Halifax Immigration Museum
While I was in the museum heavy rains and gale force winds arrived and I ended up completely soaked from the hips down as I walked the half mile back to the car. However, I was heading to my hotel so it didn’t really matter at that stage. Unfortunately, the weather forecast for Thursday is for more rain.

2 thoughts on “Wet journey to Halifax”

    1. Thank you I’m Having a good time. The rain here in Halifax has been annoying but it should be fine for the next part of the trip.

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