Short Drive to Moncton

Friday Sep 21, 2018

Map and road video – Bathurst to Moncton, NB

My motel room in PercĂ© did not have a desk and I had to prepare Wednesday’s road video and blog post with the laptop on my lap. In addition the Internet connection was abysmally slow so this took longer than usual and the position of the outlet and lamp meant I was in an uncomfortable position. The net result was that my back, shoulders and neck were aching and, even with Advil, yesterday’s four hour drive was a bit of a challenge.

I therefore decided to minimize driving today with just a short off-highway detour along the Acadian Coastal Scenic Drive as I made my way to Moncton. Since things were not a lot better today and I have a great hotel that is within walking distance of the top two attractions and a couple of brew pubs I have decided to stay two nights to let everything get back to normal.

Sorry, no pictures today either.

2 thoughts on “Short Drive to Moncton”

  1. Damn, you got to toughen up a little! You are an hour ahead and that means the Ravens are on in about one minute, so I will post a bit later.

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