Cadillac Ranch

Today was a driving day with little to see on the route from Pueblo, CO to Amarillo, TX. The only tourist stop I made was at the roadside art installation, called Cadillac Ranch, just west of Amarillo. This was installed in 1974 and features ten Cadillac cars buried, nose first, in a corn field. Little remains of some of the cars which, when they were installed, represented the development of Cadillac tail fins from 1949 to 1963. Visitors are encouraged to spray paint the cars.

The road video and map are here.

Cadillac Ranch as it appeared when I was there. Several people were spraying and it’s appearance continually changes.Cadillac Ranch All
A closer look together with the empty spray cans that people don’t bother to take away.Cadillac Ranch Close
Nothing is safe from spray paint.Cadillac Ranch Corn
The colorful cars make a nice piece of abstract art.Cadillac Ranch Art