Day 15 – Some Physics: Distance and Displacement

Part of today’s drive from Rochester to Cleveland involved going through Erie, PA. At this point I was less than 300 miles from my starting point (displacement) but had driven 2663 miles to get there (distance). This is the closest I will be to home before I finish the trip.

I woke up to moderate rain but, over the course of the drive it cleared up such that, by the time I reached Cleveland, the sun was out. I also got a warm welcome from my wonderful friends, Patricia (known to former students as señora/madame D) and Frank, who are graciously hosting me for a couple of days. After giving me the grand tour of the western half of Cleveland and Lakewood we had a great dinner, accompanied by local beer, overlooking Lake Erie.

Today’s map and video are here.

Cleveland’s magnificent Western Market building.Cleveland - MarketThe roof of St.Theodosius Orthodox Christian Cathedral.
Cleveland - Church DomeCentral Cleveland as viewed from The Harp restaurant at the end of our dinner.Cleveland - Night View

5 thoughts on “Day 15 – Some Physics: Distance and Displacement”

  1. Mr. Logic strikes again!
    Sounds like you’re having a good time.
    Best wishes to Patricia and Frank.

    Enjoying the stories
    Cathy 🙂

  2. No doubt you have visited Cleveland’s wonderful Botanical Gardens and Rock n Roll Hall of Fame before?

    Day 14 already .. how the days and autumn marches on!

    all the best

  3. So at this point your average velocity was only 1/9 of your average speed. You’ll be glad to know that once you’d passed the turn-off to Chautauqua (still in NY), you are now safe from my “when I was there….” messages until probably Montana.

    1. I enjoy your reminiscences; and I saw and photographed a Chrysler Newport at the Henry Ford Museum. It was described as the “Last of the Monsters”.

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