Fire and Water Dictate My Day

Today I drove the Icefields Parkway from Jasper to Lake Louise, AB. This has to be one of the more spectacular road journeys anywhere but the views were marred by smoke from nearby wildfires – I was lucky though because, a week ago, it was not possible to see the mountains. I have driven this road once before but don’t remember it wowing me in the way it did today. Maybe that’s the cloud of more than two decades of aging or, maybe, it was cloudy and rainy when Bob and I drove it and it just didn’t make the same impact. Bob, feel free to correct me if it’s my memory 🙂

I didn’t make many scenic stops because of the poor views so my main stops were at two powerful waterfalls on the Athabasca River which runs alongside the parkway. I never seem to get great photos of waterfalls, and these were both difficult because they descended in two or three dramatic, narrow gorges around bends – but I have good video as my souvenir.

Upon arriving at Lake Louise I joined the noisy throng near the Chateau for a few photos of the beautiful scene before walking the shoreline trail to the opposite end of the lake where all was peaceful. Fires or not, a very enjoyable day of scenery and pleasant waterside experiences.

The road video would have been the perfect way to capture this drive on a clear day and, despite the smoke, still gives a good idea of what can be seen. Together with the map it can be found here.

The sign to Mount Edith Cavell, one of the park’s famous peaks,Icefields Signpointed to this view.Icefields Edith Cavel
The Athabasca River is in full flow right now with glacier melting.Icefield Athabasca Riverand, as it falls over two waterfalls in narrow gorges, it’s power is most impressive. This is the first drop on Athabasca FallsIcefields - Athabasca Fallsand here are Sunwapta Falls.Icefields Subwapti Falls
The classic view of Lake Louise (taken in the company of thousands)Lake Louise Classic
The view from the glacier end of the lake (taken in the peaceful company of a few dozen)Lake Loiuse from inlet

4 thoughts on “Fire and Water Dictate My Day”

  1. Yes I think you can relax.. memory serves you well.. it was spectacular but your photos are clearer than my cloudy memories of 1996!

    1. I’m pretty sure it was wet when we were at Lake Louise so I guessed the parkway may have been gloomy. However, I couldn’t remember if it was ’95 or ’96.

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