The 49th State

Today was pure driving, 385 miles from Whitehorse, YT to Tok, Alaska. Not only is Alaska the 49th state admitted to the US but it is also the 49th state I will have spent at least one night in.

When I first planned this trip I thought that Alaska was the only state that I had not spent a night in and that was, initially, the reason I decided to come here. However, when I double checked my travels, it appears that I must have imagined staying in Nebraska as I can find no evidence of that. I will fix that omission on the way home.

Much of today’s drive was very scenic – at least that’s what the guides say. Unfortunately the scenic first half of the drive was completely obscured by rain and low cloud. There was a bit of a break near Kluane Lake so I stopped to take a couple of photos there but the only other photo stop was at the Alaska-Yukon border. Since this is the only road route out of Alaska I will be doing the reverse journey on August 10 so I will get another shot at it.

The map and video of the day are here.

Kluane Lake looks pretty scenic even with the gray clouds.Kluane Lake
I hate selfies but, when there’s nobody else around, what choice did I have?Alaska Selfie
No wall here. The only indication of the boundary between the US and Canada is a clear cut area that runs the length of the border.ALCan Border

2 thoughts on “The 49th State”

  1. Is it fair to say that the 50th state admitted to the US will be the 50th state you visit?

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