Ready to Roll on the Alaska Highway

Not much to say about today. It was just driving the 366 miles from Edmonton, Alberta to Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Despite a couple of showers the drive was fast with mainly pleasant roadside views of farmland but nothing special. The map and video are here.

Dawson Creek is at the start of the Alaska Highway and my one photo stop was at the marker for mile zero of the original (1942) road. My hotel is a few hundred metres from the current start of the highway so I will visit there tomorrow for a photo and to begin tomorrow’s video.

This is the historical mile-zero marker for the Alaska highway Dawson Creek Mile Zero Signand here are the miles I will be driving to get to Fairbanks.Dawson Creek Mile Zero Sign Detail

2 thoughts on “Ready to Roll on the Alaska Highway”

  1. 918 miles to Whitehorse but you will do a few more before we meet you there!
    Leaving Iceland today, 25th July for Sue’s relatives in Vancouver Island.
    A very good road trip completed Around Iceland …. Steve you would love it…… apart from the expense… £8 for a beer, even small bottle, is just the start. We made happy hour by 5 minutes yesterday so finally could afford a drink… or 2 out.
    Keep on travelling.. and watch out for moose..

    1. I knew that Iceland is outrageously expensive but glad you had a good time. Booked a flight with a long stopover there a few of years ago but had to change plans. I’ll get there one day.
      I’ll be in Whitehorse on Thursday and Friday so I’ll try to check out good places to eat and drink for when we meet.

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