Heading North of the Border

Today was a 350 mile drive from Bismarck, ND to Regina in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.  I did make one stop at the National Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center,about 40 miles north of Bismarck, which was the approximate location of Fort Mandan,

Lewis and Clark were military officers directed by President Jefferson to lead an expedition to explore a route to the Pacific Ocean, meet Native American tribes to determine their numbers and attitude to outsiders, keep detailed maps and records of everything they thought would be interesting and bring back samples of plants, rocks and animals. The expedition started out from St. Louis in 1804 and Fort Mandan was the camp they created to wait out the 1804/5 winter. They formed a strong relationship with the Mandan tribe who helped them survive and prepare to cross the Rockies.

The actual location of the original Fort Mandan is unknown but a replica has been built based on the expedition records. Unfortunately, the fort is only accessible by tour and my timing was poor so I was only able to see the exhibits in the Interpretive Center museum in the limited time I had available.

The map and road video is here.

The one photo I took at the Lewis and Clark Center was of the statue outside that portrays the two men with the Mandan tribal chief, Sheheke.Washburn Lewis and Clark

3 thoughts on “Heading North of the Border”

  1. You are having such an adventure! Safe Travels!
    Best wishes and love,

    1. Thank you for your good wishes. I am enjoying myself and looking forward to what is to come.
      I trust that you and Uday are having a wonderful summer too. Love, Steve.

  2. Let’s see Britton, Brach, Bundy, Davis, Trumbo, Jones, Gausman, Schoop,Willey (sorry about that), entire mgr crew, all pitchers above A in farm system, and Bordick (team color commentator) FOR Harper!

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