Some fun at the “Roller Coaster Capital of the World”

Today saw the first adventure day of the trip as I headed to Cedar Point on Lake Erie which claims to be the Roller Coaster Capital of the World and certainly has a lot of huge coasters. I was wondering if eating a full cooked breakfast had been the wisest choice as I arrived but all worked out well and I had enough time to enjoy rides on nine of the park’s fourteen “high thrill” coasters.

Being a Thursday, the lines for most rides were not too bad but I failed to get on their newest coaster, the Valravn, because I moved on when the line was about 75 minutes and, when I went back, it was not running. My favorite of the day was the Millennium Force which has been voted the World’s Best Steel Coaster four years in a row by the readers of Amusement magazine – although I’m not sure how international their readership is. I had to wait about an hour to get on the ride and, during that time, I realized what a freak I must be. Although there were hundreds of people lining up I did not see anyone else who looked older than 45. No wonder they offer discounted admission to those of us over 62.

After leaving the park I spent a couple of hours driving to Ann Arbor, Michigan.

There are three videos today as I recorded the experience on some of my rides using my video sunglasses.

  • the regular road video and map is here
  • the Millennium Force ride is here and
  • a view of the Wicked Twister and the on board ride is here

This is the view of the starting section of the Millennium Force coasterCedar Point Millenial Force

and here are some of the claims made by Cedar Point for their latest coaster (which I could not get on as it stopped running) and their park.Cedar Point Records

4 thoughts on “Some fun at the “Roller Coaster Capital of the World””

  1. Scary just watching video… not been on one since Mall of America with you in 1996!

    1. I’d forgotten about that. I’ll be passing through Minneapolis but probably won’t bother with the Mall of America this time.

    1. I had a good time although missing out on the latest ride (with so many world records) was a bit annoying.

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