Day 7 – Acadia National Park

Today I awoke to rain and feared my visit to Acadia National Park might be a washout. A quick check of the weather predicted that things would clear by 1 PM so I relaxed over Sunday breakfast and delayed my start. The weather forecast turned out to be correct and I spent a wonderful few hours at the park, driving the Park Loop Road, stopping at overlooks to take in the magnificent vistas and exploring the trails around Cadillac Mountain.

If you would like to complete a virtual drive of the loop road, click here for the map and video.  Below are just three photos from the dozens I took. As you can see there was some haze and I will need to use Photoshop to remove this later but you will get an idea of what Acadia has to offer.


3 thoughts on “Day 7 – Acadia National Park”

  1. Steve, these photos bring back many a memory of sailing with my step dad on the Ardea. There are always some amazing yachts anchored over at south west harbor; which was a popular port call for us in route to Maine from Annapolis. Great blog which keeps me away from all those Netflix series. Safe travels.

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