All posts by Steve

Vicksburg National Military Park

March 13, 2022 Map and video of today’s route (has good views of the Vicksburg Tour) Today was another 300+ mile drive towards Dallas with the only tourist stop being Vicksburg National Military Park. Vicksburg, MS was recognized as crucial by both the Union and the Confederacy during the Civil War and was called the … Continue reading Vicksburg National Military Park

It isn’t the thing you expect that bites you

Saturday, March 12 2022 Today’s map and (incomplete) video of the route The lack of confidence I expressed yesterday in the Tennessee Department of Transportation to respond effectively to a snow storm was entirely misplaced. Despite heavy snow falling until 8:30 AM the local roads were just slushy and the Interstate was clear by the … Continue reading It isn’t the thing you expect that bites you